Technology ensuring the safety of thousands

QGC's world-first solution

To help ensure the well-being of thousands of staff and contractors working across regional Queensland, natural gas producer QGC and Esri Australia created a world-first solution for real-time location and safety monitoring.

The solution was devised following severe floods in 2009, which devastated large parts of regional Queensland and prompted QGC to investigate how Geographic Information System (GIS) technology could be used as part of a ground-breaking Duty of Care Integration Programme (DOCIP) project. The project aimed to implement a system that could rapidly locate staff working in remote locations during an emergency and quickly communicate with them.

To achieve this, QGC implemented Esri’s ArcGIS platform to help consolidate real-time data feeds about the location of its personnel, which were previously held in several isolated systems.

The new system brought together information – including staff and vehicle locations and alarm and threat information – into a custom-built operational dashboard, providing QGC’s safety and security teams with a live overview of the organisation’s operations and allowing them to pinpoint the location of staff within seconds.

To read the full story on how QGC used real-time GIS technology to revolutionise its health and safety approach, download the full case study now.

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